Engaging Leaders
Foster Development of Others
Contribute to the Creation of Healthy Organizations
Recognize micro incivilities to micro aggressions
Communicate Effectively
Build Teams
Engage Others from an EDI-Informed Position
Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, University of Ottawa & Canadian Health Workforce Network
Engage Others, the E in the LEADS Framework, is a key area for EDI-informed leadership. When engaging leaders build teams and foster the development of others, they strive to recognize who they are and are not engaging. Upon that explicit reflection they develop strategies to reach out to under-represented voices. Developing mentoring and sponsorship relationships with emerging leaders from diverse backgrounds, and attending to ongoing succession planning are critical issues. Indeed, these activities must be built into an engaged leaders work day and not off the side of one’s desk. This should not only include horizontal connectivity but also vertical connectivity both within and between disciplines. Effective communication skills must include attention to micro inequities, bias and incivilities, and how they are disproportionately experienced by members of EDI groups, which adds to the emotional labour and burden of certain team members creating an unhealthy work environment for all. By explicitly and actively building psychologically healthy and safe environments, free of violence, harassment and bullying, leaders would build on the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s psychological health and safety standard. Making workplaces more amenable to diverse personal and family circumstances adds to a sense of belonging, and thus to the experience of inclusion. Effective, transparent communication via social media also helps to enable access to those who might otherwise be excluded because of distance, cost, or timing.
In the quote by Dr. Gigi Osler, the past president of the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) and EMT surgeon states that diversity helps improve leadership
In this quote by Dr. Mamta Gautam, Psychiatrist at The Ottawa Hospital and in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Ottawa, and President and CEO of PEAK MD states that women do not need to be limited to one mentor.
In this quote by Dr. Savita Dhanvantari, Scientist at Lawson Health Research Institute states the importance of finding women in leadership positions to be a mentor or partner.
In this quote by Anya Marion, RM, MHA at the University of Ottawa states the importance of having a network of mentors to raise a leader
In this quote by Nancy Edwards, Professor Emeritus and Distinguished University, Professor at the University of Ottawa states that learning from experience of other academic women leaves powerful impressions.
The Female Lead tweeted on April 14 quoting Toni Morrison states that a leaders job is empowering others