Engaging Leaders
Foster Development of Others
Contribute to the Creation of Healthy Organizations
Recognize micro incivilities to micro aggressions
Communicate Effectively
Build Teams
Engage Others from an EDI-Informed Position
Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, University of Ottawa & Canadian Health Workforce Network
Engage Others, the E in the LEADS Framework, is a key area for EDI-informed leadership. When engaging leaders build teams and foster the development of others, they strive to recognize who they are and are not engaging. Upon that explicit reflection they develop strategies to reach out to under-represented voices. Developing mentoring and sponsorship relationships with emerging leaders from diverse backgrounds, and attending to ongoing succession planning are critical issues. Indeed, these activities must be built into an engaged leaders work day and not off the side of one’s desk. This should not only include horizontal connectivity but also vertical connectivity both within and between disciplines. Effective communication skills must include attention to micro inequities, bias and incivilities, and how they are disproportionately experienced by members of EDI groups, which adds to the emotional labour and burden of certain team members creating an unhealthy work environment for all. By explicitly and actively building psychologically healthy and safe environments, free of violence, harassment and bullying, leaders would build on the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s psychological health and safety standard. Making workplaces more amenable to diverse personal and family circumstances adds to a sense of belonging, and thus to the experience of inclusion. Effective, transparent communication via social media also helps to enable access to those who might otherwise be excluded because of distance, cost, or timing.
Women's Wellness Through Equity and Leadership (WEL): A Program Evaluation
The Women’s Wellness through Equity and Leadership (WEL) program, developed by six major medical associations, aimed to create equitable work environments for women physicians. This study revealed that peer support and diversity as part of several drivers of the program's success.
African American Nurses' Perspectives on a Leadership Development Program
This study examines the underrepresentation of minorities, particularly African Americans, in the nursing workforce in the US. It revealed that the academic-practice leadership program helps integrate African American nurses into leaddership positions.
Can We Finally Move the Needle on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nursing?
This article discusses ongoing challenges in achieving DEI in nursing. It proposes strategies such as targeted recruitment, mentorship, and leadership programs to foster inclusion.
LGBTQ+ in Orthopaedics: Creating an Open and Inclusive Environment
The article highlights challenges LGBTQ+ individuals face in orthopaedic healthcare, citing discrimination and lack of diversity and training. It advocates for an inclusive environment through awareness, mentorship, and policy changes, promoting equality and improving patient care.
The Path Forward: Using Metrics to Promote Equitable Work Environments
This paper addresses how women are underrepresented in medicine, particularly in leadership roles and the barriers that they face because of their race, gender and ethnicities. It presents metrics that institutions and professional organizations can use to monitor in implementing EDI.
Using a Mentorship Approach to Address the Underrepresentation of Ethnic Minorities in Senior Nursing Leadership.
Healthcare organizations must be intentional and purposeful in creating diversity programs. A nursing leader mentorship program for racial and ethnic minority nurse managers was introduced at a large academic medical center to meet this need. The program design was based on the successful Leadership Institute for Black Nurses, first conducted at a university school of nursing
Mentoring Experience for Career Advancement: The perspectives of Black Women Academic Nurse Leaders
The study aimed to examine how Black women academic nurse leaders perceive mentoring in academic nursing using critical race theory as the guiding framework and explore the crucial role of mentorship in promoting and advancing Black women academic nurse leaders
Pro-Con Debate: Consideration of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Is Detrimental to Successful Mentorship
In this article, we discuss whether and how race, ethnicity, and gender should be considered in the setting of mentorship programs and the formation of individual mentoring relationships, as well as some of the potential consequences that lie therein.
Mentoring the Next Generation of Leaders in Dental Hygiene.
Dr. Coplan shares her thoughts as a mentor and the importance of mentoring Generation Z leaders in dental hygiene
Physician Men Leaders in Emergency Medicine Bearing Witness to Gender-Based Discrimination.
This study examines the perception and reaction of men leaders regarding gender-based discrimination against women colleagues in emergency medicine.
Implementation of a novel peer review academy by Surgery and the Association of Women Surgeons.
This study examines the correlation between the improvement in peer review skills of women surgical trainees and mentorship by women surgical mentors.
Composing Access Project
Composing Access Project is a website of resources for making conferences more accessibgle to people with disabilities. Resources are divided into three sections: For Conference Organizers, Preparing Your Presentation, and During the Conference.
There's More to Gender Than "Man" and "Woman"
Lily Zheng talks about what she’s learned from studying the workplace experiences of people who identify as trans, nonbinary, genderfluid, butch, or gender - diverse in some other way
For Women of colour in Medicine, the Challenges Extend Beyond Education $
a post by Jessica Yang on how societal structures influence the experiences of Women of Colour, from the medical school application process and beyond. The post includes an interview with Uche Blackstock, M.D. about some of her experiences as a Black woman in emergency medicine in the United State
Intersectionality Matters
Intersectionality Matters! is a podcast hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw, an American civil rights advocate and a leading scholar of critical race theory
Photoquote "Women’s visibility in academic seminars: Women ask fewer questions than men"
The graph shows the percentage of questions asked by women during seminars. They concluded that when a man asked the first question, women asked fewer questions compared to when a woman asked the first question.
The author describes how embracing radical feminism changed their life, suggesting that males accept a feminist criticism of patriarchy, particularly regarding sexual exploitation, in order to live a more purposeful and joyous living beyond traditional masculinity.
We need to stop "untitling" and "uncredentialing" professional women
The article covers "untitling," a gender prejudice in which women with professional titles are frequently referred to by their first names, whilst males are given titles. It defines "uncredentialing" and provides techniques for combating these prejudices, focusing on leadership accountability and courteous correction.
Infographic "Picture a Leader. Is She a Woman?" $
The image shows a child's sketch of a man leader dressed professionally.
How Men Can Become Better Allies to Women $
Organizations are involving men in gender inclusion programs to boost workplace equity. Research shows that active male participation leads to progress in 96% of organizations. Challenges include potential backlash and skepticism. Male allies should listen, respect women's spaces, amplify efforts, embrace discomfort, and engage in supportive partnerships for successful gender equity initiatives.